Healing Feminine & Masculine Energies Course available here.
Do you ever feel isolated, like you have a hard time with close relationships with other women?
Do you feel the need to keep people at a distance?
Do you desire connection with other women, and let them in only to later feel overwhelmed and need to pull back?
Have you ever felt betrayed or unsupported by your friends/sisters?
Have you ever compared yourself to other women?
Have you ever felt that others' accomplishments somehow diminish your own?
Have you ever felt a sense of competitiveness with other women, like there's not enough room for everyone?
This clearing session is for you.
And it's time to do something about it. (Funny story: as I was typing "something" just now, my fingers went on auto pilot and typed "wombthing". So, my subconscious is telling me it's time to do "wombthing" about it. Haha! I love it!)
Feminine wounding is the collective and individual scars, the wounds, the leftovers of generations of imbalance between the masculine and feminine energies. Some call this imbalance and the common culture and society which are highly-masculine "patriarchy". Our society and culture have been imbalanced and values the masculine over the feminine energies, and even operates from the wounded masculine and wounded feminine.
Feminine wounds are the effects of this imbalance that we each experience and carry with us.
They are the maladaptive coping mechanisms we've put in place in order to survive in a culture that wasn't made for us.
It's the conscious and unconscious programming we've adopted to blend into an overly-masculine world.
The Sister Wound is associated with the Witch Wound (clearing on that sold separately here), which stems from the burning times, when women were burned and killed on suspicion of being witches. This created separation, distrust, isolation, competition, and disconnection among women, which has been passed down for generations and still persists today, even subconsciously.
How can sister wounding affect you?
Some ways this wound can show up include (among others):
First, we need to heal the masculine and feminine energies and embody them fully. One of the main causes of feminine wounding in the first place is the imbalance between the masculine and feminine (both individually and collectively/culturally). When these energies are wounded, immature, or not fully expressed, this creates lots of issues.
When they are balanced, the feminine and masculine energies work together beautifully as opposite, complementary strengths.
I have a separate program available on Healing Feminine + Masculine Energies to help you dive deep into creating harmony with your own feminine and masculine energy within yourself.
Once that process of healing the feminine and masculine energies has begun, then we need to clear out the ancestral, societal/cultural/collective, and individual wounds.
This process is so important!
The time is now. Because, here's the thing: It's time to stop wallowing in victimhood and blaming the patriarchy.
It's time to take our power back.
We don't need to wait for the patriarchy to tell us it's time. We don't need someone else to give us permission to do this healing work. We don't need to wait for validation from an outer authority.
You get to decide to heal this within you. You get to choose how you show up.
And this will radiate outward from the individual and can create larger-scale change!
But it starts within you and me.
Intention: to clear out common emotional, mindset, and energetic components of the sister wound. To step out of victimhood and take your power back so you can show up how you desire.
What to expect: I'll give you an overview of this wound and how it can show up for you. The group energy clearing session uses guided imagery to support you in letting go of fears, energy blocks, and limiting beliefs surrounding this topic. In addition to visualization, this session may include EFT tapping, affirmations, grounding, and deep breathing.
What you get:
A pre-recorded group energy CLEARING SESSION video. You can listen at your own convenience, and you may repeat it as needed to go deeper each time.
Who am I: I'm Megan, an Intuitive Energy Coach, Birth Mindset Coach, Certified EFT Practitioner, Author, Artist, and mom of 4. I help women show up feeling more confident, connected, and centered. I love to help women like you let go of fears and limiting beliefs, release energy blocks, reconnect with their inner knowing and womb wisdom, clear out feminine wounding, and embrace the feminine divine.
If you're ready to let go of the wounding that is holding you back from showing up authentically and empowered, then this program is for you!
It's time! Let's do this.
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