Healing Feminine & Masculine Energies Course available here.

Healing Feminine + Masculine Energies

Imbalance of feminine and masculine energies can negatively affect us all.

What are feminine and masculine energies?

In this world, we experience many opposites: dark and light, night and day, cold and hot, yin and yang.

We all have yin and yang characteristics within us, which can be categorized as masculine or feminine.

When they are balanced, the feminine and masculine characteristics or energies work together beautifully balanced and harmonious as opposite, complementary strengths.

How can imbalance affect you?

Our current culture is highly-masculine and favors masculine energy. This causes many women to shut down and hide the feminine parts of themselves. In addition, when these energies are wounded, immature, or not fully expressed, this creates lots of issues.

Having imbalanced or out-of-power feminine and masculine energy within you may look like:

  • Shutting down the feminine energy within you in favor of the masculine.
  • Shutting down your voice and intuition.
  • Masking and hiding parts of yourself.
  • Exhaustion and unnecessary struggle and resistance.
  • Difficulty asking for and receiving help.
  • Gaslighting yourself, denying your feelings and inner knowing.
  • Difficulty with allowing, feeling, and processing emotions.
  • Being overly rigid and needing to be in control all the time.
  • Feeling perpetually anxious about what others think of you.
  • Difficulty resting, judging rest to be lazy.
  • Exhaustion from masking and hiding.
  • etc...

We need to heal the masculine and feminine energies and embody them fully in order to show up from empowerment, instead of hiding in fear. 

How do we heal them?

There are several simple steps we will take in this class to support you in healing and bringing these energies into balance within yourself.

1. Shift Your Paradigms. Shed the untruths and misconceptions around the masculine and feminine energy within us individually. Learn more about what the masculine and feminine energies are.

2. Release Imbalance. Let go of limiting beliefs, blocks, and fears which have been perpetuating imbalance. Clear out the gunk causing disempowerment. Integrate the shadows.

3. Activate Divine Energies. Embody the empowered divine masculine and divine feminine energies within.

This program will take you through these three steps to help you dive deep into creating harmony with your own feminine and masculine energy within yourself.

This process is so important!

The time is now.

Because, here's the thing: It's time to stop wallowing in victimhood and blaming the patriarchy.

It's time to take our power back.

We don't need to wait for the patriarchy to tell us it's time. We don't need someone else to give us permission to do this healing work. We don't need to wait for validation from an outer authority.

You get to decide to heal this within you. You get to choose how you show up.

And this will radiate outward from the individual and can create larger-scale change!

But it starts within you and me.

It's time.

Intention: to clear out common emotional, mindset, and energetic components of imbalanced feminine and masculine energies. To clear out imbalance, and activate the fully expressed version of the feminine and masculine energies within you. To step out of victimhood and take your power back so you can show up from empowerment.

What to expect: I'll give you a brief overview of what each wound is and how it can show up for you. Some topics may include journal prompts to dig deeper. The group energy clearing sessions use guided imagery to support you in letting go of fears, energy blocks, and limiting beliefs surrounding the topic for each session. In addition to visualization, this session may include EFT tapping, affirmations, grounding, and deep breathing.

What you get:

A pre-recorded video COURSE on the topic of masculine and feminine energies. Understand what they are when they're wounded and when they're in power so you can better embody the empowered masculine and feminine. You can listen at your own convenience, and you may repeat it as needed for deeper understanding.

Downloadable printable PDF journal prompts to help you dig deep, discover, and bring to the surface how this imbalance has been affecting you.

A pre-recorded group energy CLEARING SESSION video on the topic of healing feminine + masculine energies. You can listen at your own convenience, and you may repeat it as needed to go deeper each time.

Megan wears glasses and smiles while looking at the camera

Who am I: I'm Megan, an Intuitive Energy Coach, Birth Mindset Coach, Certified EFT Practitioner, Author, Artist, and mom of 4. I help women show up in pregnancy, birth, and motherhood feeling more confident, connected, and centered. I love to help women like you let go of fears and limiting beliefs, release energy blocks, reconnect with their inner knowing and womb wisdom, clear out feminine wounding, and embrace the feminine divine.

If you're ready to let go of the blocks that are holding you back from showing up authentically and empowered, then this program is for you!

It's time! Let's do this.

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